Information for Prospective or New Members


There are no auditions – if you have a singing voice that blends well with others then you are welcome to come and sing with us. As there is a lot of new music learnt across different styles the ability to read music is helpful, although some members have only basic music-reading ability when they join. Most music performed is arranged for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass parts.


Weekly rehearsals are held on Tuesday during school terms, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, in the Walshaw Hall (next to All Saints’ Cathedral), Church St, Bathurst. Singers are encouraged to arrive a little early so that rehearsals can start (and finish!) on time. Please bring a soft pencil for marking music. We do understand that from time to time you may not be able to attend rehearsals but we encourage you to attend regularly to ensure our performances are of a high quality.

Music Scores

Scores are made available to financial members through the website in the “Members Section” for downloading onto personal devices, or printing at home. A limited number of printed copies are also made for those singers who are unable to print at home. Sometimes, and especially for major works, we may hire scores. Currently music scores are available on Google Drive but to avoid duplication and double handling, this will be phased out over the next three months. Moving forward the website’s “Music Centre” will be serve as download function facility.


We are largely self-funded, with members paying a fee per school term (for 2023 $70 per term). Our other main source of income is from ticket sales. We sometimes receive financial sponsorship from local organisations and government through general or specific performance grants that we may apply for. These funds are required to support the payments made to our Musical Director and Accompanist, rehearsal hall hire, website costs, fees such as insurance and membership and performance costs that might include venue hire, hire of music scores, orchestra hire and payment for soloists. Fees are paid at the beginning of each term via this website, either through secure credit card payment or via secure direct deposit through the website.

Paying through the website allows for automatic membership to be allocated granting member only access to restricted areas of the website. Electronic transfer to the Allegri bank account will be available for an interim period, Banking details are: Greater Bank BSB 637000 Account 781775274. Term fees are payable even if you miss rehearsals. However, if you cannot attend an entire term, for example due to illness, fees will be waived. If you are experiencing financial difficulties and would like to discuss some fee relief do let us know. Payments can also be made directly and securely through the RDN website.


Allegri Singers is a not-for-profit incorporated association (Allegri Singers Incorporated), run by an elected committee of volunteers. An AGM is held in late February each year. Our Committee currently consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Publicity Officer and Social Coordinator. We have an affiliation agreement with the Mitchell Conservatorium of Music (Mitcon). As an affiliate of Mitcon we may sing in various Conservatorium performances each year. The affiliation agreement allows Allegri to house its music library at the Conservatorium.


Allegri usually presents at least two major concerts each year, and may also participate in music festivals in the region, Eisteddfods and community events such as Bathurst’s Carols by Candlelight and the Festival of Bells. We may also perform in the community at locations including nursing homes, hospitals, fairs and markets.

Music performed varies widely, from classical choral music, both sacred and secular, to modern jazz and show tunes. We may collaborate with local and regional orchestras, soloists and choirs, such as Bathurst Chamber Orchestra, Macquarie Philharmonia, Orange Regional Conservatorium Symphonic Choir, and the Willoughby Singers. At performances we usually wear all black clothing, and music is placed in a black folder.

MD & Accompanist

Our Musical Director is William Moxey, and our Accompanist is Luke Moxey.


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